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Study in Denmark

Would you like to study in a country that promotes democracy and equality through its educational system? Denmark is just what you are looking for. If you want to know how to start studying in Denmark and enjoy a high-quality higher education that prepares you for the world of work, come with us to discover everything that this Nordic country has to offer foreign students and what are the requirements you must meet.

How to study in Denmark as a foreigner? What do you need?

Denmark is a Scandinavian country with a long and rich history, dating back to the Viking Age. Today, this bitter-winter nation drives its mixed economy through its Welfare State, a model that began to be implemented after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Thanks to the application and perhaps even refinement of this concept, Denmark has become become the most developed and modern Welfare State in the world . So satisfied are the Danes with their government policies that, according to Transparency International , they are the people who trust their rulers the most and the nation that experiences least corruption in the world. Furthermore, it is one of the 10 countries with the best quality of life on the planet according to the OECD. For all these reasons, we are not surprised that thousands of people want to study in Denmark and start a new life in this small but advanced country. Danish education is world renowned for being free and of excellent quality. If you want to study in Denmark with Latin American nationality and residence , there are several aspects that you should consider:

  • Have recognized qualifications that can be compared with Danish entrance qualifications.
  • Have a broad command of English (C1 according to the British Council ).
  • Meet the individual requirements of the university or institution where you want to study.
  • Select the program or career of your interest.
  • Request your visa according to the duration of the program.

Currently, there are 2 types of visa to study in Denmark , which vary in relation to the duration of the course. These visas are:

  • Residence Permit. Aimed at all foreign students outside the European Union who have been accepted into a higher education program. Valid for the normal (nominal) duration of the program.
  • Tourist Visa (Schengen). Aimed at visitors planning to stay in Denmark for a maximum of 3 months. Not all nationalities need the Schengen Visa.

It is important to know that education in Denmark is free only for Danes and citizens of the EU/EEA (European Union and the European Economic Area respectively). The rest of foreign students must pay the university tuition, if applicable. By studying in Denmark, you will have access to more than 600 programs in English that are taught in different institutes. There are 5 types of academic institutions in this country, which are classified as follows:

  • Higher academic/research education. It encompasses Universities and Artistic Higher Education Institutions . They are institutions financed by the State and regulated by the Law of Universities of 2011, whose main purpose is research and high-level education.
  • Technical-professional higher education. It can be taught in 3 different institutions: University Colleges ( Colleges ), Business Academies and Maritime Education and Training Schools. The programs are oriented more to professional practice than to research.

Before making a decision, it is also important to consider the different programs offered at these institutions. Below we mention what they are and give you a brief definition of each one:

  1. Professional Bachelor’s Degree. It is a university degree that lasts 3 years approximately.
  2. Academy Professional Degree or AP Degree. It is a professional degree that could be defined as a practical university degree. It lasts 2 years + 3 months of compulsory internships.
  3. Top Up. It is a one-year course that allows you to opt for a degree or professional bachelor’s degree after completing an AP. Like the previous one, you have to complete 3 months of internship.

On the other hand, if you are interested in learning Danish , there are many options at your disposal. You can learn the language in an intensive course or as part of a university summer program. As there is no specific visa to study Danish in Denmark , it is extremely important that you pay attention to the duration of the course to know which visa corresponds to you.

How much does it cost to live in Denmark?

Shared room
in the capital


Shared room
in another city


2 bedroom apartment
in the capital


2 bedroom apartment
in another city


Bus or Metro ticket

$4 / $6

Movie Ticket


A beer in a bar


A beer in the supermarket


Typical Street Food


Meal in a Restaurant


Medical consultation


Phone plans


Average Cost of Living per Month

USD $2739

Traveling to a first world country like Denmark, with so much history, vast forests and unforgettable castles, is undoubtedly an experience that we all would like to live. However, before you pack up and say goodbye to home, it’s wise to consider the expenses of living and studying in Denmark.

Making a budget for your trip is essential to be prepared for daily and unforeseen expenses. You should not only consider the price of the plane ticket, the visa procedures and the registration of the university program, but also the rent of a room and food. It is clear that each student’s situation is different, but in general, it takes approximately $2,739 dollars to spend a month in Denmark . In the table above we have left you some prices for basic services to give you an idea. So that you can more accurately calculate the amount you need, we recommend you keep these aspects in mind:

  • The type of visa you are going to apply for, because it will depend on whether or not you can work as a non-European Union citizen.
  • If you will live in the capital (Copenhagen) or in another Danish city.
  • The area where you are going to live.
  • What kind of job you will have and how much you will earn.
  • The cost of the course or program you are going to study.

Can you study in Denmark for free?

It is normal that there is some confusion about whether it is free to study in Denmark, since we know that the government finances education from primary school to university. Danes have access to free academic training at all levels, because the system seeks to prepare as many people as possible for a professional occupation in the world of work. Being part of the European Union, Denmark offers completely free access to higher education to European citizens . This means that anyone who has citizenship of an EU member country and a European passport can study for free in Denmark.

However, foreigners who do not have European nationality must pay for their university studies . However, there are several means and programs that can help you study for free in Denmark even if you are not European. For example, if you participate in an exchange program , you will not have to pay tuition for your education. There are also many Danish institutions with agreements with foreign institutions and national scholarship programs for international students.

Visas to Study in Denmark

Are you interested in knowing how to apply for the necessary visa to study in this First World country? Below we will tell you about the types of visas, their requirements and the process that you must carry out in order to fulfill your dream of studying abroad.

Residence permit in Denmark

The Residence Permit is a procedure that all foreign students outside the EU/EEA must complete to study in Denmark for more than 3 months . In other words, if you are going to study a professional degree, an AP Degree or Top Up, you will need a residence permit. The process is not complicated and if you meet the requirements, you can fulfill your dream of studying and living in this Scandinavian country.

What you need to apply for residence permit

  • Have been accepted into a higher education program or course at a University, College or Institute, which has been approved by the Danish government.
  • Have started a university program in your country of residence that you will continue as a visiting/guest student in Denmark.
  • Demonstrate that you are economically independent to cover living expenses during your stay. This point is only necessary if you are exempt from tuition, have been awarded a scholarship or have not paid the tuition for the program in Denmark. In this case, you must have funds equivalent to $1016 dollars for each month you are going to study in Denmark.
  • Check that you can speak and understand the language in which the university program is taught.
  • Valid passport.
  • $310 dollars to pay the processing fee (2020 price).

How to apply for a residence permit

  1. Create an ID for your request. To start the process, the first thing you must do is fill out a brief form with your name, surname, passport number and email. You can open the form here .
  2. Pay the fee. At the moment, the fee you must pay is $310 dollars. Keep in mind that the rates are renewed every year on January 1st. If you make the payment before January 1 and submit the application after, you run the risk of it being rejected.
  3. Gather the documents . The documents that you must have on hand are: proof of payment of the fee, copy of all the pages of your passport (including the front, back cover and all the empty pages) and proof of economic solvency (if you have not paid the registration in Denmark).
  4. Fill the form. This step must be carried out in conjunction with the educational institution. You can choose between an online or printed form. In the online form, it is the university that must fill out the first part. On the contrary, in the printed form, the institution must complete the second part.
  5. Submit the request. If you filled out the online form then you don’t have to do anything, because the request is sent automatically. If you filled out the printed form, you should go to the Danish embassy in your country. For more information on where to process the residence permit, click here .
  6. Biometric Registration. In order for your application to be processed, you must register a facial photo and your fingerprints. This information will be stored on a microchip that will be embedded in your residence card, if the application is accepted. This process is mandatory for both online and in-person registrations.
  7. Wait for the SIRI response. Once all the previous steps have been completed, all that remains is to wait for the response from The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). The normal processing time for the residence permit is 2 months.
  8. Request accepted? Prepare your trip to Denmark! Now that you have your residence permit to study in Denmark, you are officially an international student residing legally in the country for the entirety of your university program. In addition, this document also allows you to enter any of the Schengen Zone countries for up to 90 days.

Can you study and work with a residence permit in Denmark?

Yes! Your residence permit as a student in Denmark allows you to work up to 20 hours a week from September to May. During the summer, specifically in the months of June, July and August, you can work full days. The most common jobs where international students work in Denmark are:

  • Restaurants
  • pubs
  • delivering newspapers
  • telemarketing

For more information on jobs in Denmark.

Tourist Visa (Schengen)

The Schengen Tourist Visa is a document that only some nationalities must have if they want to enter Denmark and stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days. First of all, we recommend you check if you need this visa or not by clicking here . Have you reviewed the list of countries whose citizens require a Schengen Visa and yours appears? Then pay attention to the requirements that we mentioned below.

Requirements to apply for a tourist visa

  • Valid passport and copy of it . The validity of the passport must be at least 3 months at the end of your stay in Denmark.
  • Travel medical insurance with at least $36,310 of coverage. This insurance must recognize expenses for medical emergencies, hospitalization, urgent treatments and repatriation of remains.
  • A color photo , of good quality and on a white background (3cm x 4cm).
  • Papers that support the availability of financial resources . Bank account statements, tax returns and real estate purchase documents are valid.
  • Proof of accommodation , such as a hotel reservation. If you are going to arrive at a relative’s house, you must present documents proving the existence of a bond.
  • Current work or study certificates.
  • Pay $97 dollars of the fee to process the Schengen Visa for Denmark.

How to apply for a tourist visa

  1. Look for an educational course of less than 3 months. As the Schengen Visa allows you to be in Denmark for a maximum of 90 days, the course you want to apply for must not exceed that period. In this country there are several summer schools that offer short programs in English of a maximum of 300 hours. For more information, visit this page .
  2. Fill the form. The next step is to fill in the application form with your personal data. This form must be filled out and delivered to the Danish foreign affairs office or consulate in your country. The Schengen Visa can be requested up to 3 months before the date you plan to make your trip. To learn more, visit this link .
  3. Wait for the approval of the Schengen Visa. Be patient and wait for the consulate’s response. In general, the process takes 15 calendar days to be processed.
  4. Travel to Denmark! Pack your things, study your short course in Denmark and get ready for an unforgettable experience.

Can you study and work with a tourist visa?

No, unfortunately, a tourist visa does not give you the right to work in Denmark unless you have been explicitly granted permission by the Immigration Service.

Study at the University in Denmark

For several decades, the Danish educational system has been taken as an example thanks to its efficient principles and the excellent preparation of its graduates. Several of its Universities are among the most prestigious in the world, such as the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Denmark, both mentioned in the 2020 QS World University Rankings . As an international student in Denmark, you will have access to first-class higher education in areas such as engineering, social sciences, technology, arts and business. If something characterizes the universities of this country, it is their education oriented towards the creation of solutions to problems in the real world . For this reason, conventional classes are complemented with professional practices, where students have the opportunity to apply what they have learned.

Requirements to study at a Danish university as a foreigner

As we explained above, higher education in Denmark is provided in 5 types of institutions that are classified according to the teaching method (academic/research or technical/professional). In turn, there are several university degrees that you can apply for according to the duration of the program. That is why it is difficult to deduce exactly what a university is going to ask you for, since it all depends on the institution, the major and the type of training that is provided . However, there are some general requirements that you will surely have to meet:

  • Present an entrance exam or recognized qualifications that can be compared with those of the university admission system in Denmark. To find out the equivalent of your qualifications, visit the following link .
  • Have a high command of English , as all higher education programs in Denmark require it. Applicants must demonstrate at least a language level comparable to Danish secondary school “English B” by taking the TOEFL, IELTS or CAE exam.
  • Have completed high school and have your bachelor’s degree apostilled and translated.
  • Have a valid passport and be up to date with other documents such as birth certificates, certified notes, criminal records, etc.

Requirements for a University college in Denmark

The University Colleges in Denmark are private institutions that are governed by the same laws that regulate public institutes. They are characterized by providing investigative education with a practical approach, which generates new knowledge and useful skills in the workplace. In these colleges all kinds of programs, careers and degrees are studied. Some of the most famous are:

  • Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) .
  • University College South Denmark
  • University College Copenhagen
  • UCL University College
  • University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)

These institutions are linked to the Law of Higher Education Colleges, in charge of asset management, financing, supervision, quality control, etc. The requirements of each university college in Denmark vary depending on the institution and the program you are applying for. Regardless of the course or the college , it is most likely that you will be asked to take an admission exam or equivalent qualifications, know English, have studies at the level prior to the course you are aspiring to, and have a valid passport for your entire stay.

What is the process to Apply to university as a foreign student?

Studying in Denmark from Latin America is a goal that you can achieve if you are disciplined, have initiative and are willing to focus 100% on your studies. Although each institution’s admissions process may vary somewhat, it generally consists of the following:

  1. Find the Study Program of your interest. The first thing you have to do is look for the program you are interested in studying in Denmark. There are more than 600 programs in English and you will be able to choose from a wide variety of university and postgraduate courses. For more information, visit the Study in Denmark website.
  2. Get in touch with the Institution. Once you have selected the program you want to study, you should contact the institution to find out how the admission process works for non-European foreign students.
  3. Show your level of English. To prove to the Danish institution that you are ready to study a program in English, you must pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The level of English required depends on the program in some cases.
  4. Take the admission exam or certify your degree. In some institutions, you will have to take an entrance exam comparable to the certificate of completion of upper secondary education in Denmark. If there is no admission test, then you must certify your degree. Whatever the case, we recommend you visit the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for more information.
  5. Legalize your documents and translate them into English. The institution will probably ask you for a series of academic and personal documents so that you can enroll in one of its programs. You must legalize your high school degree, grades, birth certificate, criminal record, etc. and translate them into English with a qualified translator.
  6. Wait for the acceptance letter. Finally, when you have already sent all the documents and completed all the steps, it will be time to wait for the acceptance letter. The waiting time may vary from one institution to another and the number of international applicants for the program.

Important. The admission deadline for university programs beginning in August or September is March 15. For programs starting in January or February, the deadline is September 1. In general, the application forms are available on the website of each institution 2 months before the deadline.

In which Universities can I study in Denmark?

The directory of higher education institutions that Denmark offers to foreign students is very attractive. There are all kinds of universities, colleges , academies and schools to choose from and more than 600 programs taught in English that are internationally recognized for their high quality. The most popular Danish Universities are, without a doubt, the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and the Technical University of Denmark . Other of the most popular and prestigious universities in the country are:

  • aalborg university
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • University of South Denmark (Odense)
  • Roskilde University
  • Royal Danish Academy of Music
  • Kolding School of Design
  • Aarhus School of Architecture

The most popular Public Universities in Denmark

Private Universities with the best international agreements

Where can I study Danish in Denmark?

Denmark offers its foreign students the opportunity to learn Danish in various public and private language centers. The courses can be day or night and are approved by presenting an exam endorsed by the State, in accordance with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). It is also possible to learn Danish at a higher education institution, by participating in an intensive course at the beginning of the academic year. Some of the Danish centers and academies where you can study are:

  • Frederikshavn Sprogcenter
  • AOF Vendsyssel
  • Lærdansk Thisted
  • Lærdansk Herning
  • CLAVIS sprog & competence
  • AOF Job & Dansk Esbjerg

General Requirements for a Danish course in an academy or school

In order to enroll in an official Danish program, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Being over 18 years
  2. Have a residence permit
  3. Have a social security number (CPR)

If you meet the conditions on the list then you can participate in a program to learn Danish in Denmark. Depending on your level of the language, you may qualify for one course or another.

What is the process to be accepted?

The admissions process can vary a bit depending on the academy, but if you meet all the requirements we mentioned above, it should be easy and fast to get accepted. What you should keep in mind is that without a residence permit you will not be able to enter a language center approved by the State .

If you are traveling to Denmark as a tourist on a Schengen Visa, you may be able to take private Danish lessons, but you will not get a valid certificate. Once you are in Denmark, you can find the closest language school to your home. For more information on this, we recommend you visit the following website .

There is no specific Visa to study Danish

In Denmark there is no particular visa to study Danish . However, as an international student with a residence permit, you are entitled to take Danish classes. The language teaching method consists of several levels that are divided into modules, and that conclude with a final exam. Remember that if you do not have a residence permit, you can only take short Danish courses that last less than 3 months.

Scholarships and Grants to study in Denmark

While education in Denmark is not free for non-European students, most universities have bilateral agreements with foreign institutions . As an exchange student in Denmark, you will have access to national and European programs that offer scholarships. The main scholarship and financial aid programs for Latin American students in Denmark are:

  • Erasmus+. The most famous EU education support program in the world. More than 14 million Euros are earmarked for the program, which helps reduce youth unemployment and promote international education. Valid for degrees, masters and doctorates.
  • Erasmus Mundus. Scholarship for European and non-European students who want to study a specific master’s program.
  • Danish Government Scholarships. Intended for highly qualified foreign students who do not belong to the EU/EEA or Switzerland. Valid only for students enrolled in a full degree higher education program.

Each program has its conditions to be eligible and to enjoy financial support to study in Denmark. Generally, the requirements you must meet are:

  • Be a citizen of a country outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
  • Have been accepted into a degree program at a Danish higher education institution.
  • Have processed a temporary residence permit for your education in Denmark.

If you want to know more about scholarships and financial aid in Denmark for non-European foreigners, click here .

Study and Work in Denmark

To be able to study and work in Denmark legally, it is necessary to have a residence permit . The Schengen tourist visa does not allow you to study in this Nordic country, although you can do some work activities. With your residence permit, you can work up to 20 hours a week from September to May. In the months of June, July and August, you will be able to work full time.

It is important to know that if you are under 18 years of age, you will only be able to work in Denmark if you have a written contract for a specific position.

In addition, your employer must confirm to the Danish Immigration Service that it complies with the relevant legislation on the working environment. Keep in mind that if you break the law regarding non-European student work, you risk losing your residence permit and being deported from Denmark.

Have you finished your studies and want to stay and work in Denmark?

If you are the proud holder of a Professional Bachelor’s Degree, AP Degree , Top Up, Masters Degree or PhD, you can stay working in this welcoming and peaceful country. You will have a range of options at your disposal and you can even start your own business if you wish. The Danish government also offers some unemployment benefits, in case you can’t get a job immediately after graduation.

Visit the Study in Denmark portal for more information about work after finishing your studies and learn about online job portals in English. At Go-Study-In, we have a team of expert advisors who will gladly help you achieve your goal of studying in Denmark. To receive personalized advice on your studies abroad, fill out the following form.

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